How to claim
We’ve made the process for claiming simple and hassle free. Our experts will handle your claim from start to finish, and if successful, we’ll aim to return your money to your bank account within the shortest possible time.

Claim in 5 easy steps:
Call our friendly team of experts
Call us on 01204 565331. You’ll be put straight through to one of our expert advisers. We understand that financial matters can sometimes feel a bit daunting, that’s why our advisers are trained to take away all the jargon and simplify the process for you. We will ask you some questions about the investment or pension and your situation, taking care to understand your particular circumstances, and explaining every part of the claims process to you carefully. If you’re not sure you qualify for a claim, don’t worry our experts are here to guide you. They’ll usually be able to determine whether you are eligible to claim over the phone.
We’ll email you our paperwork
If you are eligible, we’ll ask your permission to start the claim process there and then. There are no long and complicated packs to complete, we usually just require your signature on a few forms which we can email to you. You can sign them using our special Electronic Signature Service – it’s really easy and your adviser will be on hand to guide you through the process. Using the email process means we can get to work on reclaiming your money the very same day.
Your Own Dedicated Claims Expert
We can gather all the information we need about your investments and pensions from your provider. Our expert adviser will prepare a detailed report with our claim for compensation. They’ll use their personal expertise in financial services to ensure your claim has as much chance of success as possible.
We’ll keep you informed
Our team will keep you informed and up-to-date at every stage along the way. We’ll contact you by phone, letter, email and text message with details of your claim, your claim progress, and any developments which may affect your claim. We want to make sure you understand every step being taken to reclaim your money.
Settlement of your claim
If your claim is successful we will notify you immediately. Once we have received your settlement, we will deduct our fees and send the balance to your nominated bank account. Most claims are settled within 4-6 months.